This week the Picture of the Week is from the Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida in the USA.

View from the boat to the Disney’s Yacht Club Resort at the Walt Disney World, Florida.
When you visit Walt Disney World you can use numerous transport facilities for free, like for example a boat. This one has just put out from Disney’s Yacht Club Resort and goes among others to the Hollywood Studios or to Epcot, but also to other Disney Hotels. The boat trip pays off most at the evenings because then everything is enlightened so beautifully.
Best wishes,
Hi dean My name is Renee This is my thir letter I wrote to you twise and it didn’t take so I will try again Iam a 66 year old lady and in a will chair and can not travel any more I new elvis when he first stared and an a die hr\ard elvis fan I wrote to him back when and asked him if I could be of any help to him and he wrote me back and said he heed help with fan mail and I said I loved to and did until I mess up my life now that I am un able to travel I wish you were comeing to calif but tell then I just watch you on youto I love your show and think you are very good a what you do and maybe be some day I will meet you, I have an adoupted brother who does elvis who I been with for over 22 years and is good and I see him ever mounth excipted when I am sick and right now I have been very ill well dean keep up the good work and may be there still wishes of meeting Mrs Renee Morden