I’ve been thinking about insider tips these days. What is it that makes an insider out of an average tip? Often they occur by the mistake of somebody else. An example would be an unguarded hole in the fence of a fun fair. Whoever knows about that tip will ask himself what consequences the spreading of that tip would have. Let’s say that person would use the hole himself to get free access to the fun fair, then why would he share this valuable information, and especially not with the public. Why not? Easy: Because if he did, then chances are the manager of the park will hear that over too and of course will get the broken fence fixed in no time. So this person would lose his or her free access to the park for ever. As long as we’re supposing people always like to increase their advantage, it’s pretty much clear that spreading insider information makes no sense at all. So how can you possibly receive true insiders?

A wildlife crossing sign: places with a guarantee for meeting real wild animals would be a true insider tip.